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Where Have I Been?

Originally posted July 17, 2017

I know, I know. You’ve been wondering where I’ve been. How can I just start a blog and then two weeks later be ghost?? Because kids. That’s why. And pregnancy. And house. LOL!

But seriously though. I underestimated the amount of work it takes to keep a blog up and running! Everyone knows the last few weeks of a pregnancy can be the hardest. This was the first pregnancy that actually took its toll on me in the last few weeks. I had hardly any energy or drive to do ANYTHING. Can I get a witness??

Needless to say, I am back and in full force! Well, hopefully. I had my baby girl about a week ago, and things are getting back to normal. My husband will return to work, the boys will continue to be boys, and the summer is still hot. There are things to do, places to go, and people to see!

I’m taking this postpartum thing one day at a time. That’s all you can do. Adding another human to your life can be super stressful, but also filled with joy. Each day is different, but I’m striving to be the best mother I can be. Some days, I worry I’m not doing enough, or doing it “right”.

Did I yell too much? Am I hugging them enough? Did I clean the house today? What does my husband think of me? It’s discouraging to look at all the areas where we fall short. Instead, my goal is to focus on what I DID accomplish that day. One small victory at a time. I remembered to lower my voice. I told my kids I was proud of them. I spent some time asking God for wisdom.

These things put me at ease. I can take comfort in knowing that even in my weakest moments, there are positive things in the mix. God is right there, in the center of it all. Imperfections, insecurities, victories, challenges. He’s always there. He knows all things, understands all things, and is there to help and comfort you through all things; no matter how miniscule.

My scripture for you today is Isaiah 66:13 “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” Just as we moms comfort our children and take care of them, God does the same for us. In the moments where our children cry because they are sad, we love them. When they rejoice because they did something they are proud of, we rejoice with them.

Our heavenly Father does the same thing for us. Throughout each day, He is there to comfort us through it all.

Well, I’m excited to see where this new journey of having a daughter will take me. There is definitely a different connection with her compared to my boys. Hope you stick around to see it! If you want to check out my labor and delivery experience, you can do so here.

Look forward to seeing you again. Until next time!


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